Armenia, Travels and Studies: The Turkish provinces. Descend into Turkish territory ; To Lake Van ; Across Lake Van ; Van ; From Van to Bitlis ; Bitlis ; From Bitlis to Mush, Mush ; From Mush to Erzerum ; Erzerum ; Return to the border ranges ; Revisit Armenia ; Across the Central Tableland to Khinis ; From Khinis to Tutakh ; Down the Murad to Melazkert ; From Melazkhert to Akhlat ; Akhlat ; Our sojourn in the crater of Nimrud ; Round Nimrud by Lake Nazik ; Ascent of Sipan ; Back to the Central Tableland ; Our sojourn on Bingöl ; Home across the border ranges ; Geographical ; Statistical and political ; Appendix I: National constitution of the Armenians in the Turkish Empire ; Appendix II: Chemical constitution of some Armenian lakes
出版Longmans, Green, and Company, 1901