Targeted: "If I Die, This Program Killed Me!" (Mind Control Technology Book Series) Book 7 of 7

Book VII in the Mind Control Technology Book Series

​​​​​​​Pure, undeniable, sinister personalities today are at the helm of brilliant, advanced psychophysical technologies, who are inhumanely destroying lives of men, women, and children. They are devoid of compassion believing it cannot be proven and this mentality officially sanctioned.

Neuroweapons, Nanotechnologies, the Brain Computer Interface (BCI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), join the ongoing scientific goal of Transhumanism and are all the foundation of ongoing human experimentation generation to generation. Testing has exploded progressing humanity towards what many consider "Digital Slavery".

Pittman is left no choice but to continue exposing this program while targeted by beamed assaults and high-tech terrorism, in the mist of death threats to Pittman and her family, combined with relentless efforts to tarnish her reputation. The fact is covert campaigns to publicly discredit activists and destroy credibility and interpersonal relationships are still a common tactic used by COINTELPRO agents.

Make no mistake about it, this morbid secret, high-tech behavioral modification, ongoing mind control experimentation program will kill to preserve the reality of what is monstrously happening today, and when looking at the full picture, can you blame them?