Return Migration from Canada and the United States
Its Effects in the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico
出版Vanderbilt University, 1998
註釋This study analyzes the impact of labor migration on a Mixtec-speaking sending community in the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico. It considers migrant destinations, work experiences, skills and techniques learned abroad and possibly applied in the sending community, and remittances brought or sent home. This study seeks to provide an increased theoretical understanding of the concept of a migration stream and then demonstrate that each migration stream is made of distinct characteristics which correspond to specific changes and ramifications in the sending community. The emphasis is on comparing international migration between Mexico and Canada through a guestworker program to migration to the United States, with additional discussion of internal migration to Mexico City. Specifically, this project analyzes the impact of different types of migration on community political and religious structures, on the lives of women, on traditional artisan production, on community agriculture, and on perceptions of Mixtec culture and ethnicity. The ultimate goal of this research is a better understanding of how migration types are related to community change and ultimately community and regional perspectives of development and improvement in the quality of life. The analysis of the ramifications and potential benefits of migration on individuals and families dependent on migration in the Mixteca Alta has vital implications not only for future development in the Mixteca itself, but also as a model for community development testing and application in similarly-affected areas of Mexico and other countries. This study also provides perspectives on the benefits and challenges of international contract labor, insights significant for immigration and labor policy planners worldwide.