Moving on Facilitators Guide

Moving On Facilitator's Guide is designed to accompany the Leaving Well and Arriving Well activity books. Based on the latest relocation and transition research, the guide builds the confidence of adults in delivery of the activity books to share wellbeing boosting strategies for transition and beyond, both for the child and the supporting adult.

This practical guide offers guidance notes and prompts to help bring out the best experience for the child. It will help the adult feel confident in responding to any questions, including key points to consider and examples of 'what you could say'. It goes on to explain the theory behind the activities from the workbooks and includes examples and quotes from other ex-pat children woven through the text.

The guide can be used effectively with:

Leaving Well Activity Book which helps children to reflect on how they feel about the move, to remember other moves and understand that change is a part of life.

Arriving Well Activity Book which can be used on its own or following on from Leaving Well and continues to move through this process, helping the child to settle when they have arrived in their new country.

Inspired by research, this invaluable guide will help teachers, practitioners, and parents support children on the move to leave and arrive well.