註釋"Coming out of Corroding the Now: Poetry and Science / SF conference staged in Birkbeck College in April 2019, the Corroding the Now anthology collects work in poetry and poetics that comes out of the conference themes and discussion as an openended coming together of forms, ideas and practices that approach poetry, science and SF in the broadest terms. It incorporates work from: Charlotte Geater, Jonathan Catherall, Iris Colomb, Suzie Geeforce, Chris Gutkind, Naomi Foyle, Peter Middleton, Verity Spott, Jo Crot, Richard Parker, Josie Taylor, Fred Carter, Kat Dixon-Ward, Liz Bahs, Amy Cutler, Kate Pickering, Pippa Goldschmidt, Astra Papachristodoulou, Sophie Sleigh-Johnson, Allen Fisher, Aodán McCardle, Luke Jordan, Stephen Mooney, Robert Kiely, Francis Gene-Rowe, Sasha Myerson, Katie Stone, Matthew Carbery."--from publisher.