Ans. - The Earl & Countess of Fife, and Sir John Gordon Sinclair, Bart & His Tutors ; to the Petition & Additional Petition of Andrew Balfour, Esq. Solicitor of Tithes. Mr Pringle, Clerk. J. Laidlaw, W.S.G. Napier, W. Agents. Answers for the Right Honourable Dorothea Countess of Fife, Only Child and Heir of Line of the Deceased Alexander Earl of Caithness, and James Earl of Fife, Her Husband, for His Interest ; and for Sir John Gordon Sinclair, Now of Murkle, Baronet, and His Tutors, Heir of Provision and Entail to the Said Alexander Earl of Caithness ---- Defenders ; to the Petition and Additional Petition of Andrew Balfour, Esq. Advocate, His Majesty's Solicitor of Tithes - Pursuer