Value-Added Models for the Pittsburgh Public Schools
註釋At the request of Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) and the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers (PFT), Mathematica has developed value-added models (VAMs) that aim to estimate the contributions of individual teachers, teams of teachers, and schools to the achievement growth of their students. The authors' work in estimating value-added in Pittsburgh supports the larger, joint efforts of PPS and the PFT to "empower effective teachers" through evaluation, professional development, and compensation. Pittsburgh's VAMs use not only state assessments but also course-specific assessments, student attendance, and course completion rates, thereby aiming to produce estimates of the contributions of teachers and schools that are fair, valid, reliable, and robust. The findings in this report suggest that the VAM estimates provide meaningful information about teacher and school performance in Pittsburgh. The VAM results for individual schools and teachers have been reported to them privately. The first three chapters of this report describe the student outcomes that are used in Pittsburgh's VAMs (Chapter II); enumerate the information on students that is used to predict their performance and account for factors outside the control of the teacher or school (Chapter II); discuss the technical details of the VAMs (Chapter III); and explain some of the limitations of the VAMs (Chapter IV). The last four chapters of the report explain how VAMs for each student outcome are combined to create a series of composite measures for each school (Chapter V); describe the process for locating the performance of Pittsburgh's schools in the statewide distribution of value-added (Chapter VI); present summary statistics related to VAM results for Pittsburgh schools and teachers (Chapter VII); and discusses the application of VAMs for use in two programs designed to recognize and reward outstanding performance: the Promise-Readiness Corps and Students and Teachers Achieving Results (STAR) (Chapter VIII). (Contains 15 tables and 6 figures.).