The Story of Redmanship
註釋Originally published over one hundred years ago by young newspaper editor William Elbridge Cowles of Minnesota's Saint Peter Journal, THE STORY OF REDMANSHIP and the Sons of Liberty offers today's readers amazing glimpses into the Revolutionary history of America's British Colonies while describing "The Patriotic Origin and Beautiful Teachings of the Improved Order of Red Men."Who were these Sons (and Daughters) of Liberty who secretly met in Boston's Green Dragon tavern?"Bound together in defense of Equality before the law," they disguised themselves as Mohawks to carry out the destruction of tea at Boston Harbor, and to ultimately overthrow tyrannical British rule, singing: Rally Mohawks! Bring out your axes, And tell King George we'll pay no taxesOn his foreign tea;His threats are vain and vain to thinkTo force our girls and wives to drinkHis vile Bohea!Then rally boys and hasten onTo meet our chiefs at the Green Dragon.Our Warren's there, and bold Revere, With hands to do and words to cheer, For Liberty and Laws;Our country's "braves" and firm defendersShall ne'er be left by true North-EndersFighting Freedom's cause!Then rally boys and hasten onTo meet our chiefs at the Green DragonLavishly illustrated in color throughout, with historic images of people and events of the period.