The Role of Research ; Congress Report. Sub-plenary sessions
出版IUFRO, 2000
註釋Sustainable management of natural resources. Sustainable management of natural resources : fire and forest. Papers. Posters. Sustainable management of natural resources: management and conservation of forest gene resources. The sustainable management of natural resources: impact of forest pests and air pollution on forest sustainability. Sustainable management of natural resources: sustainable forest management and productivity. Papers. Posters. Sustainable management of natural resources: criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. A perspective at the level of forest management unit. Sustainable menagement of natural resources: role of forestry in landscape rehabilitation. Forest and society needs: wood products. Forest and society needs: non-wood products (NWP). Forests and society needs: services. Forest and society needs: evaluation of technologies for society needs. Papers. Posters. Changes in environment and society: environment change and forests. Changes in environment and society: societal change and forests. Changes in environment and society: interaction between environment and urban society. Changes in environment and society: forest consequences: a tool for assessing long term sustainability. Cultural diversity in forest management: agroforestry. Cultural diversity in foresty management: forests in sustainable mountain development. The global vision of forest and society: interaction between forest science and forest policy. The global vision of forests and society: networking and international cooperation. The global vision of forests and society: regional scenarios in management of forest resources in the tropics.