The Morning Star and the Melon
Pursuing Truth Through Scripture, Science, Philosophy, and Logic
出版Signet Ring Publishing, 2016-08-05
主題Religion / Christian Theology / Apologetics
註釋*Is your understanding of theology more theory than experience?

*Has the McChurch model converted you to spiritual consumerism?

*Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ or of kumbaya churchianity?

*Do you measure spiritual maturity by accumulating information or by Holy Spirit-directed transformation?

Spiritual leaders of enduring valor and tough-mindedness are needed within the Church to valiantly confront the world and its hollow vanities, particularly humanism and the fashionable "business model" of Christendom.

"A push for bigger churches, broader impact, and larger-than-life personalities is fed by the desire to be ever more relevant or apropos in our postmodern culture, and the sooner the better! However, in part due to neglecting historical awareness and in part due to lessening emphasis concerning true discipleship, the Western Church has drifted from a brazen faith to one of dithering mediocrity."-from the Preface

To remedy this trend, tough questions must be met with strong answers and worldly knowledge must be engaged with the hammer of godly wisdom! This book offers incisive food for thought and challenges Christian leaders to throw down both gauntlets, thus getting real serious about the real battles in the war for truth.