註釋In this issue of Engramma, curated by Daniela Sacco and Chiara Velicogna, we publish various contributions pertaining to the wider orbit of the Warburghian circle. Giacomo Calandra di Roccolino's Nota sulle misure delle tavole dell’Atlante establishes the measurements of the Mnemosyne Atlas panels, while Estetica del Bilderatlas. Schleiermacher con Warburg first recounts the delayed relationship between Aby Warburg and Friederich Schleiermacher, and “Bellezza!”. On Donald Gordon, or a Warburgian bridge between Italy and England, offers a first overwiew on the figure of Donald Gordon. The issue publishes the presentation of two recent volumes, Juan Eduardo Cirlot’s Dizionario dei simboli and Aby Warburg. Fra antropologia e storia dell’arte. Saggi, conferenze, frammenti, curated by Maurizio Ghelardi. The issue is enriched with the publication of Edgar Wind: A Bibliography of the Works and the Secondary Literature, and of Indice dei testi inediti e rari represent valuable tools for Warburgian scholarship.