The world witnessed the horrors of the Holocaust, the result of a strategic plan by the agencies of Hitler, the German fuhrer. Thankfully the world reacted to his machinations, but only after millions of Jewish victims of his hatred, and declared that such horrors should happen, “Never Again”. But those words have not been followed through in international action, and genocides have been repeated time and again since. Each time, the genocide playbook of the Nazis was followed to some degree or the other. India is unique in that its current pogroms against minority populations, the Muslims and Christians of India, follow the Nazi playbook to a degree that cannot be considered as coincidental. India’s Nazis have embraced German Nazi methods, and are emboldened by international inaction in the cases from Rwanda and Burma. They rely on the flawed perception of India as a democracy to shield their pogroms until perhaps it will be too late.
This report analyzes twelve parallels between Nazi Germany and India under the regime of Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Acting in conjunction with the largest voluntary paramilitary organization, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Modi provides the administrative & legal framework to implement the ideology of the RSS, called Hindutva. Deriving from the religion of Hinduism, it is however, an extremist, nationalistic and fascist offshoot that has, from its inception in the early 1900s, sought to marginalize religions originating outside of what is considered as greater India, stretching far beyond the Indian borders of today.
The report discusses the supremacist ideas at the core, combined with a yearning of a glorious past, and how it has led to dehumanization, legal and economic repression, vilification, ghettoization, and the destruction of properties, all using the building of a cult figure and paramilitary training even for very young recruits. This deadly machinery is brought to bear on India’s Muslims and to a lesser extent, on India’s Christians, with devastating and demoralizing effect.
We hope that the report sheds light on the dire situation for minorities, being created in India by the RSS-BJP regime. It is imperative for the international community to set aside the economic benefits seen in India, and act decisively to prevent what will certainly be mass marginalization, frequent but geographically separated mass killings and continued lynchings, beatings and economic deprivation of a population larger than the entire population of many of the world’s countries.
The report ends with recommendations for the United Nations States, Canada, and civil groups to stem the rise of fascism in India and prevent yet another genocide from happening.