Fort Amanda - a Historical Redress
註釋Fort Amanda - The Real Story( A Historical Redress)Someone once said, "History doesn't repeat itself, historians repeat other historians." That same thing can be said for most of what's been written about Fort Amanda over the past 100 years. Unfortunately much of the information they repeated was either incorrect, misleading a myth or sometimes a combination of all three. David Johnson (formerly of Lima, Oh) has spent more than 40 years researching the history of Fort Amanda and in 2017 published this book, "Fort Amanda - A Historical Redress" that addresses many of those issues. The book focuses on events that began in 1790 and led up to construction of the fort in 1812 including his theory that General Anthony Wayne" may have built something on the site as early as 1795. Johnson's book contains over 360 pages including 74 of which are dedicated to biographical and genealogical information of many of the man and the families they left at home; or as Johnson refers to them; "the other half of the team."