Fortifying the Flock

"Selecting godly elders marks a major stepping stone in the maturing of a church." That was the opening sentence of

my preface to the book, Church-Building Elderships, that the Elders Service Team published nearly five years ago. It is just

as true today. Now the Elders Service Committee has written not just a new and improved version, but a greatly expanded "how to" book that should answer many practical questions facing elders, aspiring elders, and their evangelists.

This book is laid out to provide guidance and inspiration, regardless of where the readers may be in their eldership journey. It begins with practical questions such as "Do I even want to be an elder or elder's wife?" It discusses the benefits and costs of serving in the eldership. It also suggests a process for the selection, training, and congregational appointment of an elder. Next comes serving as an elder-with its challenges of continuing to be a disciple, husband, father, neighbor, and work associate along with the new responsibilities of being a team player with other elders and evangelists, all while preserving unity and overseeing the church! It also discusses some questions that I have not seen addressed before but that are becoming more relevant to those who, like me, are getting along in years: How long should an elder serve? And what should be their role and influence when they no longer serve in that capacity?