The Emperor's Necklace

It is the year 1925 and an important artifact belonging to the emperor of Japan has gone missing. Our hero, Jack Bell, is reluctantly recruited to hunt out the missing object. Along the way, he makes new enemies and new friends. Finding the relic is only a fraction of the story as Jack Bell struggles to ensure its safe return. The story is inspired by real history and has several impacting moments intertwined with the plot. It features real people who were alive in 1925 along with real events which occurred in that year. The references are melted subtly into the book, and the reader is never bombarded with dry facts. The historical elements are also so numerous that it's best to use them as a point of reference for your own personal research as the history utilized in the story moves quickly. While history is a big component, it doesn't overwhelm the reader. Anyone can read this book without any prior knowledge and without any attention span for facts. A fresh bit of action and a touch of imagination keeps things engaging and lively. Several action scenes will keep readers on their toes as the characters fight, run, throw, and ride. Even more captivating is the reserved but clearly displayed fantasy elements. Have you ever heard of the Vucari? You will now!