The Ambonese Herbal
Being a Description of the Most Noteworthy Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, Land- and Water-plants which are Found in Amboina and the Surrounding Islands According to Their Shape, Various Names, Cultivation, and Use : Together with Several Insects and Animals
出版Yale University Press, 2011
主題Science / Life Sciences / BiologyScience / Life Sciences / BotanyScience / Life Sciences / Taxonomy

Over the course of five decades, the seventeenth-century naturalist Georgius Everhardus Rumphius assiduously gathered information on the native plants of Ambon Island and its archipelago. By presenting descriptions of the plants and their multiple uses, he succeeded in creating a cultural and scientific treasury of incomparable value for today's botanists, anthropologists, ethnobotanists, science historians, medicinal chemists, and other scholars. This comprehensive reference, complete with over 800 original illustrations, describes in remarkable detail more than 2,000 plants, their habitats, and their economic and medicinal uses. Also recorded are native plant names in Malay, Latin, Dutch, and Ambonese--and often in Macassarese and Chinese as well.

E. M. Beekman's introduction discusses the Herbal's significance for tropical botanical literature and surveys the Indonesian economic and medicinal uses of the plants Rumphius described. Beekman also provides invaluable annotations throughout the Herbal.

Copublished with the National Tropical Botanical Garden