Chronic Diseases Related to Aging and Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on Health
Joy Smith
Report of the Standing Committee on Health
Standing Committee on Health
, 2012
Medical / Diseases
Medical / Geriatrics
Medical / Health Care Delivery
Medical / Public Health
CHRONIC DISEASES RELATED TO AGING AND HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION Report of the Standing Committee on Health Joy Smith, M. P. Chair MAY 2012 41st PARLIAMENT, 1st SESSION Published under the authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons SPEAKER'S PERMISSION Reproduction of the proceedings of the House of Commons and its Committees, in whole or in part and in any medium, is hereby pe [...] Within the context of this priority, CIHR notes the need 7 to enhance patient-oriented care, the pressures placed on the health care system due to the aging population and rising rates of chronic disease, and the importance of leveraging resources by working collaboratively with other departments, agencies and non- governmental organizations to address research needs. [...] To increase the capacity of Aboriginal communities to act as partners in the creation, oversight and application of research to reduce the health disparities among Aboriginal Peoples, the Committee heard that CIHR has developed the "Pathways to Health Equity for Aboriginal Peoples". [...] The project was described as addressing the need to balance compassion and technical expertise in the provision of patient-centred care.39 It also heard that this approach, within a health promotion and disease prevention model, has been proposed by the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada to address the evolving training needs of future medical practitioners in response to the increasin [...] This initiatve will help to remove the stigma of mental illness, to allow seniors to identify symptoms and to help people feel more comfortable about raising the issue with their physicians and ask for help.77 The Committee was told of the Seniors Advisory Committee of the Mental Health Commission of Canada and of its contribution to Commission's Mental Health Strategy, which was subsequently rele.