Voices First Nations
Terri Johnson
Inner Child Press
, 2012-03-23
Poetry / American / Native American
PrefaceI write for the expression of my soul. It is a release of my inner energies that are begging to come out. The release of this book was not only a journey, but an awakening as well. My words and thoughts evolving in a whole new level, I wanted to embrace more aspects of poetry and try to reach outside the box. This book has been a great sounding board for that. I wanted to formulate my ideas and give more picture and vision to what I was trying to say. Poetry for me encompasses my life. It is the epitome of what I see in everyday aspects of my life. Every nuance, every minute, and every detail that rolls through me, all hold a bit of poetry that I love embracing. It's the little things that capture the inspiration for me and it is why I wanted to make those same pictures come to life as they do in my mind's eye. I have gone through a lot in my life and through those trials I have been able to bring myself back up. Striving to be more then what I can be. The strength I capture within my writing, I have noticed has now become stronger and it is why I want to share my poetic evolution with you.I also want to pay tribute to the guests that I have chosen to feature in this book. I have collaborated with two of the best people that I have had the pleasure to work with. In the poem "Falling Rain", KD Morris has graced me with his poetic talent by sharing his mind with that of my poetic musings. I have been blessed to have his insight bring clarity to this piece. In the two poems "The Wind carried us home to each other"; and "Wish you were here by my side", San Gerardo Rafa, makes his appearance. His help in the two pieces created such a beautiful poetic harmony that both need to be shared. I thank both poets for helping me in my written journey. The last part of my book, I have decided to try something a little different. I have handpicked three different artists, Carla May Listener, Jonathon Taylor and Dion Tootoosis, in which to show different aspects of how poetry can be communicated. All three artists are of aboriginal descent, and all three are Canadian born. I'm extremely honored to have them in my book. They add a special flavor and their words need to be acknowledged. Terri L. Johnson