Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In Senate, July 4, 1782
Ordered, That Samuel Adams [and Others] ... be a Committee to Consider what Measures Can be Taken to Reduce the Expences of Government ... Sent Down for Concurrence. Samuel Adams, President. . In Senate, July 5, 1782. Resolved, That the Hon. Caleb Davis, Esq; and Others, who ... are Empowered ... to Procure a Loan of ... Twenty Thousand Pounds ... are Directed, to Receive on the Said Loan Bills Issued from the National Bank of America ... Read and Concurred ... Nath. Gorham, Speaker, Boston, July 13, 1782
註釋Resolution regarding necessary loans to reduce the expenses of the government and secure a loan. The House concurred on the latter date, and a July 13th request for loans from towns in anticipation of the payment of Continental taxes.