Learn to Speak English for Latin Speakers

 This online book contains 6382 mix words, phrases, expressions, and sentences. If you are mastering the first 75 pages of this book, you can get through any situation during your trip abroad. If you are mastering 150 pages or more of this book while listening to the audio, you can live and work in that country without any problems! I can show you the best way to learn languages! The next step is yours! Study hard and you will learn your languages. Hic liber continet online (VI)CCCLXXXII misce verba Phrases: expressions: et sententias. Si tu dominaris LXXV paginis primam huius libri, vos can adepto per in situ tuo aliquam peregrinationem. Si tu dominaris CL vel plures paginas huius libri dum audire audio de te vivere possum in eo, et opus sine ulla problems! Non possum tibi melius discere linguas? Proximum tuum est? Studere linguis dura et discite vestras.