Beware of The Spirit of Error
註釋Have you ever wondered why do you do what you do? What about when you do something wrong? Sometimes we know that what we are doing is wrong, yet we still carry it out. If your'e like me, then you can honestly say this has occurred way too many times to count. Have you ever felt like you were persuaded by others to do wrong? Furthermore, you knew it was wrong, but yet you chose to do wrong anyway. It is a no judgment zone here, for we all have experienced falling prey to sin. At some point in life we all are faced with challenges that seem so hard to conquer. This book will reveal the underlying problems to why evil seems to grip believers in the Body of Jesus Christ. Simply put, it is the Sprit of Error. As a believer, it is vital to become aware of this spirit so much so that we can proclaim victory over the wiles of the enemy.