Deceit, Lies, and Murder

What do a couple who hates one another, a bankrupt company, a boarding house, bribery, and old family secrets have in common? They are all the scenes from this engrossing drama and murder mystery.

This story begins with a husband and wife, Samuel and Anessa, who absolutely hate one another. She has a habit of lavish spending and he golf and attends social gatherings instead of managing the family's law firm. When push comes to shove and both of them are about to end the marriage, the company falls into bankruptcy, and accident happens that changes the trajectory of both of their lives. 

Intertwined within this drama are lies and betrayal, some of which take them both to a different town where Samuel begins a new life, or so it seems, working for new company. Anessa fills her time uncovering secrets from Sameul's past as well as unraveling the pieces of a decades old mystery that includes murder, bribery, and a cover-up of stolen jewels.

The town Sheriff soon finds that he is trying to solve a riddle, while Anessa is uncovering the truth about what had transpired many years ago and the unscrupulous part the county Marshal played in the whole scheme.