Appropriate Use of Virtual Reality Headsets
註釋Philippe FUCHS, PhD, Professor in Mines ParisTech engineering school (Paris) is the leader of "Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality" team. He was the president of Virtual Reality French Association (AFRV). The field of his research is the theoretical approach of VR and industrial applications.The VR&AR team's lines of research focus mainly on human "behavioral interfacing" in a virtual (or mixed real/vitual) world, by making judicious use of a person's natural behavior on sensory motor and mental levels. Our methodology for designing a VR system has been extended on the technical and psychological levels thanks to collaboration undertaken this year with ergonomists and psychologists. The solutions produced have been tested in several applications. He is the author and coordinator of 7 books, 13 chapters of other books, 28 articles of international journals, 56 articles in international congress with selection committee review and 28 other articles.