Persuasion in the Media Age

Persuasion in the Media Age addresses the impact of electronic media on the practice of persuasion and reviews constantly evolving digital strategies. Today’s world demands a new perspective on persuasion—one that is grounded in the assumption that human consciousness and culture have been forever altered by communication technology. The fourth edition provides timely examples of persuasion in political campaigns, social movements, marketing, and interpersonal relationships—and the role of social media and media technologies in all of the contexts.

From advertisers to politicians to influencers to friends, persuaders use increasingly sophisticated strategies to sway behavior. Borchers skillfully weaves theory, research, and engaging examples to help readers understand the practice of social influence—and to apply critical-thinking skills to the persuasion they encounter daily.

The text takes an interdisciplinary approach to provide the latest thinking on persuasion while also drawing on a broad theoretical base for foundational concepts, such as attitudes, rhetoric, and human motivation. Throughout, Borchers emphasizes audience, storytelling, visual images, and ethics. This comprehensive, insightful, and accessible overview of persuasive communication teaches readers how to be skilled creators of persuasive messages—as well as critical consumers.