The Archaeology and Early History of the Channel Islands
註釋Jersey, Guernsey and Alderney lie off the western coast of the Cotentin peninsula of Normandy in France and some 120km from mainland Britain. Strategically placed in the western channel, yet subject to very large tidal ranges and dangerous currents, the islands have been occupied for over 250,000 years. As a result they are rich in archaeological and historical sites and monuments. Many excavations have taken place over the last 20 years, the results of which have contributed to new evidence, particularly in relation to the Mesolithic, Roman and medieval periods. This book describes the archaeological record of the Channel Islands from their early prehistory to the medieval period. Heather Sebire has lived in Guernsey since 1978. After graduating from London University she worked in archaeology in London and Wessex before moving to Guernsey. She was secretary of La Societe Guernesiasie Archaeology Group for many years and participated in much of the rescue archaeology that took place on the island. Since 1995 she has held the post of Archaeology Officer at Guernsey Museum and has written and broadcast about the archaeology of Guernsey and the other islands since that time.