Guinea Pigs of the New World Order

The author believes that those labelled as blacks in the world are the greatest victims of racial discrimination and will be highly victimised as the New World Government takes full force. According to the author, racism is not a problem as humans seem to have evolved with some seemingly physical differences resulting in different races, but the main problem is racial discrimination which has resulted in series of racially driven ugliness that people of colour, most especially blacks, face in the world in these present times, including the treatment they shall receive from the New World Government. The African continent harbours this breed of humans called blacks, and many studies have been undertaken to prove whether African natives are inferior in intelligence therefore incapable of higher thoughts and higher arts. The author begs to disagree, hence race has nothing to do with human intelligence, and the reasons why there is insignificant human development in Africa according to the author are human slavery which happened in the past, which was a plot to use African natives as human machines; forced dominance which resulted in land seizures in some part of Africa and colonial invasion which was a plot to acquire land and natural resources and not to help Africa as the imperialists conspiracy propagandists want all to believe. Colonialism came with religious tools enforced with guns and brute force, and without the invasion of the colonialists, Africans would have developed considering the pyramids ofEgypt, the axioms ofEthiopia, the medical institutes inTimbuktuin the ancient times and more. According to the author, the reason why the African continent is paralysed in terms of economic development is mental slavery leading to economic slavery. Mental slavery is caused by racial discrimination, mind diversion using information and religious tools, pseudoscience or superstitions, faulty education, colonialism, and colonial destruction of African cultural evolution. The author believes that since Chinese and Indians could develop and attain economic freedom, so also canAfricadevelop, but Africans must first deal with mental slavery. Mental slavery leads to economic slavery. Today, Africans cannot produce what they consume nor consume what they produce all because of mental slavery.

An endangered species is a population of organisms which is facing a high risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. Technically speaking, African natives are facing predation parameters, and it seems that the New World Order since its creation and inception designated the African natives (that they call blacks) as guinea pigs that will be used in its operations and to advance its cause. The black man has faced cruel slavery, colonialism, forced dominance and subjugation, neo-colonialism, and he is now also facing mental slavery, a far more dangerous situation. It is a situation not recognisable with the naked eye yet exists and poses more danger than all of the former, creating a cloud of mental slaves who are moving in the wrong direction applying the wrong life operational parameters. Development is extremely slow in the African continent, and the advanced nations have ceased that opportunity to transform the continent into a huge market for their finished goods, in the process also fuelling mind slavery to impair development. They hypocritically condemn the African continent as incapable of self-sustenance, but it has never occurred to anyone that ifAfricastands up today, those advance nations will lose their market. In exchange directly or indirectly for the rich natural resources of the African continent, the advanced nations have fuelled wars and mental slavery in the continent while still condemning the continent.

Unfortunately, the same mercenaries of the New World Government who enslaved the African people in