The Future of Industry
註釋This book offers a selection of the best papers presented at the annual International Scientific Conference “Digital Transformation in Industry: Trends, Management, Strategies,” held by the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia) on October 25-27, 2023. The main focus of the book is on Industry 5.0, a new paradigm for industrial development related to the humanization of technology and the sustainable development of industrial ecosystems. Industry 5.0 is not a technological revolution but a value-based initiative that drives technological transformation by establishing the primacy of human value and creating value for humans. Key topics include the cross-industry potential of Industry 5.0, the humanization of industrial technologies, the transition from Industry 4.0 ecosystems to Industry 5.0, the achievement of sustainability in the process of digital transition, assessing the impact of industrial digital transformation on society and the environment, regional practices for digital transformation, digital transformation strategies of industrial enterprises, HR strategies for the digital transition of industry, among others. Due to the scientific pluralism of the topics covered, the book is valuable to economists, researchers, and managers in industry and finance.