When Your Chronic Illness Becomes a Goliath

“Note to layout: have the top part a larger font than the bottom part with a watermark of David and Goliath behind all the blurb”

You have been walking along the beach of life, hearing the surf and seeing the sunsets, when wham, you have been knocked down by the mountain of life and your chronic disease. Your Goliath.

Depression oft times hits like a tidal wave, taking us down. Again, our Goliath has raised his ugly head.

And we are left standing at five feet, facing our Goliath of nine feet.

“Leave this area blank”

This book is not for the weak or faint of heart--but if you suffer from any of the plethora of diseases that plague our world today, this book is for you. If you are walking this path, I pray this sixty-day devotional will serve you well. It is not intended to replace your medical regiment but to enhance it.

Goliath will try to take away your hope and peace. This book is intended to give you sixty days of joy, encouragement, and uplifting thoughts. Sixty days of giving you a hope and a future in the Lord. Sixty days of helping you revitalize your spirit.

Goliath. You. The Lord. Sixty days to find the stone. Come on in and find a way to beat your Goliath.

Blessings and gentle hugs, my friends.