Even though Hollywood films still dominate the world’s box offices, Korean films are just as popular as their Hollywood counterparts in domestic theaters. In 2014 alone, Korean movies drew a combined total of 107.7 million viewers at box offices nationwide, accounting for 50.1% of the total number of movie viewers. Korean movies have accounted for more than 50% of the total film market share for the past four years and have attracted more than 100 million moviegoers annually for the past three years. In particular, the movie
The Admiral: Roaring Currents (2014), which depicts
Chapter 1 Korean Films Today
The Evolution of Commercial Films: Korean-style Blockbuster Films
The Coexistence of ‘Diversity Films’
Foreign Perspectives on Korean Films
Chapter 2 Korean Films in the World
Overseas Export of Hallyu and Korean Films
Expansion of Exchanges through Joint Production with Foreign Countries
Increased Export of Film Technology Services
Taking the Lead in the Development of the Southeast Asian Film Industry
Korean Directors Gaining Attention Worldwide
K-Movie Stars
Chapter 3 Major Film Festivals in Korea
Busan International Film Festival
Jeonju International Film Festival
Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival
International Women’s Film Festival in Seoul
Jecheon International Music & Film Festival
Other Festivals
Chapter 4
Top 10 Korean Films Worldwide