La Immigrata- Book One- Second Edition
註釋Annie and her two year old daughter travel to America to join up with Joe, the love of her life. Come with her and experience the numerous trials of a 1912 Atlantic crossing, the many tests and exams that Ellis Island demands and the long three day journey by train... taking them to their new home in Utah, over 4,000 miles from her home in Italy. What was life like back then? What could an immigrant from Sicily expect to find in a state like Utah? Experience what she experiences as you follow her through her everyday life in America. See for yourself, the many new discoveries and changes that took place during the Industrial Revolution and how it affected the common folk. Learn about great inventions and how electricity changed lives. See what people had to do to survive. Feel for yourself how WWI interrupted the lives of the entire nation and learn why this war was fought. Over twenty two million immigrants came to America through Ellis Island between 1892-1924. Chances are your ancestors were among them. See for yourself how they lived, what they had to endure, how they survived.