How The Global Communications Network Will Connect Everyone On Earth
出版Routledge, 2021-11-28
主題Social Science / GeneralSocial Science / Sociology / General
註釋So Paulo, Brazils largest city, has more mobile phones than does Paris. The largest phone system in Kampuchea is cellular. In the next twenty years, within one generation, everyone on earth will be able to place a phone call to anyone else anywhere. This Meganet is a patchwork of networks, big and small, local and global, primitive and high-tech, that fit together because they share compatible technologies. Wilson Dizards Meganet is a report on the progress and setbacks in expanding Meganet resources to everyone on earth. He examines not only the advantages, from toll-free numbers and credit cards, but the downsides, from the potential invasions of privacy to the question of who will and who should control Meganet. Dizard describes the likely players: from the oil and utility companies who own desirable rights-of-way to Silicon Valley to emerging innovators in Chile and Germany.