
What Do the Rich and Powerful Know that You Don't?

Learn from the best to self-help your way to success.

With inspiration from the wisdom of the ages!

"WI$E UP TO Wealth!" features stimulating stories, poignant poems, fabulous fables, and other insights old and new to inform and encourage you, enrich your life, and motivate you to think better, speak better, act better, and become the best you can be!

This Book Contains:

Classic fables by Aesop (as translated by George Fyler Townsend, but further edited by Ray Divine): "The Two Frogs", "The Ants and the Grasshopper", "The Miller, His Son, and Their Donkey", "The Lion and the Shepherd", and "The Miser".

James Allen: "As a Man Thinketh"

Russell H. Conwell: "Acres of Diamonds"

Bessie Stanley: "What Constitutes Success"

Robert Frost: "The Road Not Taken"

Edgar Guest: "It Couldn't Be Done"

Ernest Holmes: Chapter 18 "The Law of Attraction" from "The Science of Mind"

Horace: "Ode 1.11"

Rudyard Kipling: "If"

Wallace D. Wattles: "The Science of Getting Rich"

"It Works!" by R. H. Jarrett

What Makes This Book So Special?

Edited by Ray Divine who makes this book unique by offering his insightful commentary to help you achieve your dreams. You want to achieve your dreams. Don't you?

Becoming debt-free would free you from a lot of stress, improving not only your wealth, but your health.

Imagine having the freedom to take a vacation anytime you like. That's how being rich can be like having super powers.

By this book, you'll become encouraged, inspired, and informed to achieve your best.

Remember learning to play sports, sew, cook, dance, or ride a bike? You improved when someone encouraged you. Especially with helpful tips. Let this book do that for you. Coach you. Guide you. Empower you.

If you have yet to succeed, this book could be just what you need!

Ancient Wisdom. Timeless Advice.

P.S. Before you buy this book, check out the Look Inside feature. Okay? You see all this book offers, so scroll up and click the Buy button now.

Cover Image: Dollars Background by Petr Kratochvil at: Public Domain Pictures dot net/view-image.php'image=20848&picture=dollars-background