Deceptive Lights
註釋The battle between Satan and human beings began in the Garden of Eden and continues to this day. Running conflicts between Christians and the dark lords perfected the skill and cunning of mankind's most dreaded enemies as the pages of history steadily advanced. The endless acts of madness and insanity that broadcast themselves through everything from the major media to neighborhood conversations continually reveal that Satan and his demonic legions have indeed crowned themselves in the knighthood of evil.

The imminent emergence of the third Elijah and the dwindling time that precedes the Second Coming of Jesus will escalate the battle to its climactic conclusion. Your survival will largely depend on your ability to learn to battle the evil monstrosities that will seek the destruction of all mankind-an ability that can only come through the knowledge provided by God. Neutrality and indifference will not protect you. In the years that remain prior to the Second Coming of Jesus, nature and many human beings will seemingly go insane as the evil ones throw every last desperate punch. It will indeed be a time of fear and dread such as has never been seen in the history of mankind.