And... It's Not Just Love

Hi! My name is Nuthan Poojari. To be specific and short about me, I am the guy one who knotted the blindfold himself in the matter of ‘Belief’, without being able to identify the ‘Lie’ which is carefully assembled between the ‘Belief’. I am the guy who has given the way to some unknown; to cross his beautifully structured life, without his own knowledge and re-constructed the most horrible conclusion which was supposed to be happy ending. And you know, it all happened in the wake of, what people call ‘True Love’. Nevertheless, Now I am bit relaxed because I got know, I am not the only ill-fated creature of this universe as I had assumed. They are many out there and perhaps, you could be one of those. Which was that one moment that could have given me the better turning? What was that one thing that changed the entire scene? What was that one thing, that was connected to my life without my invitation and what made me to connect? Board bus with me. Let’s go on a journey through the heart of the dense forest of Malenadu; by allowing me to illustrate the subject of Love.