Elementary Sequences, Sub-Fibonacci Sequences
註釋Abstract: "Recent research in unique representability for finite measurement structures has identified a number of novel finite integer sequences. One of the simplest, called an elementary sequence, is a nondecreasing integer sequence x1x2 ... x[subscript n] with x1 = x2 = 1 and, for all k> 2, if x[subscript k]> 1 then x[subscript k] = x[subscript i] + x[subscript j] for distinct i, j k. We investigate combinatorial and number-theoretic questions for elementary sequences and identify interesting open problems. The paper also discusses sub-Fibonacci sequences x1x2 ... x[subscript n], which are characterized as nondecreasing integer sequences with x1 = x2 = 1 and [formula] for each k 2."