註釋Images of America: Springfield Volume I gave readers a photographic history of the city's ethnic populations and religions. It also told the story of education and public service in the "City of Firsts." In Springfield Volume II, author Ginger
Zabecki Cruickshank takes readers on a second journey
through the past to the origins of the city's many businesses, transportation systems, and social agencies, such as the YMCA and local hospitals that have served the people of Springfield, as well as some of the best sports stories in the city's history. The stories and early photographs of well-known companies including Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Friendly's Ice Cream Corporation, and Merriam-Webster are shown in this striking volume. All have roots in Springfield, as do Milton Bradley and Smith & Wesson. The famous Knox automobiles and the Peter Pan Bus Company are brought to life with other stories in
the fascinating development of transportation in the area. As the city has adapted and grown with the population and changing economic times, it has built a tradition of citizens succeeding despite great obstacles. It is that tradition that has made the city what it is today.