註釋e-artnow presents to you this unique collection of the greatest classics of French literature, including novels, short stories, dramas and philosophical essays:_x000D_ Table of Contents: _x000D_ A History of French Literature_x000D_ François Rabelais:_x000D_ Gargantua and Pantagruel_x000D_ Molière:_x000D_ Tartuffe or the Hypocrite_x000D_ The Misanthrope_x000D_ The Miser_x000D_ The Imaginary Invalid…_x000D_ Jean Racine:_x000D_ Phaedra_x000D_ Pierre Corneille:_x000D_ The Cid_x000D_ Voltaire:_x000D_ Candide_x000D_ Zadig_x000D_ The Huron_x000D_ A Philosophical Dictionary_x000D_ Letters on England_x000D_ Jean-Jacques Rousseau:_x000D_ Confessions_x000D_ Stendhal