註釋A Justice Primer by Douglas Wilson and Randy Booth If God is just, and the Bible is his word, how is it that everyone is in such a fog when it comes to actually administrating justice? As a culture, we cry for mercy when we're hurt, and lustily pound the gavel when tables turn. Civil tyrants regularly trot out the thumbscrews and red-hot pokers, but just as many petty gunslingers take pleasure in targeting whoever "the big guy" happens to be. Is that justice? Randy Booth and Douglas Wilson bring their considerable pastoral experience to the question of scriptural standards for justice, and their observations -- that almost nobody has a firm grasp of what justice is or how it functions -- are sobering. This is because maintaining a strict definition of justice is essential for any community, great or small. In this much-needed exposition, Booth and Wilson unpack God's requirements for witnesses, victims, due process, and the accused and accuser, and take to task some of our favorite injustices in churches and abroad: anonymous assertions, rattling off charges, double standards, and the ubiquitous Trial by Internet. Reviews of A JUSTICE PRIMER: In today's world, "justice" is a call for the State to do something to fix economic and relational inequities without any regard to a universal principle of justice. Given the operating assumptions of today's materialists, justice is a wax nose to be shaped by the day's prevailing ideology. A Justice Primer establishes for us the firm foundation for justice in Scripture and demonstrates its applicational wisdom. A sorely needed book for our time." Gary DeMar, President, American Vision "These days it seems that justice, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. And that does not bode well for us. In this important new book, Douglas Wilson and Randy Booth remind us of a standard for true justice that does not change with the fickle winds of public opinion or tides of peculiar happenstance. Highly recommended." George Grant, pastor and author "Is there any topic in modern society the world (and Christians) get more wrong than a truly just view of justice? If a truly clear and defensible and coherent view of this crucial subject is the need of the hour (and it is), Pastors Booth and Wilson have met the call (and then some)." David L. Bahnsen, blogger and founder of The Bahnsen Group "Liberals love to prattle about "social justice" while conservatives often marginalize "justice" and prioritize love. Both are wrong. Liberal justice is usually injustice, parading as sentimental moralism, and contrary to much conservative belief, justice is an exhibition of love. In this book, two seasoned, Bible-believing pastors delineate the Bible's frequent and wide-ranging teaching on justice and show how it is to be achieved in both church and culture, from blogs to juries. It is a welcome antidote to the pervasively sentimentalist -- and unjust -- moralisms of our time." P. Andrew Sandlin, President, Center for Cultural Leadership