Smith Wigglesworth the Bride of Jesus Christ
註釋SMITH WIGGLESWORTH *Let us be careful that we do not in any way defile the BODY because GOD is chastening the BODY and fitly framing it and bringing it together. The BRIDE of CHRIST will rise. You ask, "How will it rise?" It will rise in millions, and billions and trillions, more than any man can number. It will be a perfect BRIDE.*Oh, the BRIDE appearing as one BRIDE! The same joy, the same peace, the same hope! No division, all one in CHRIST! What a BRIDE! Who can make a BRIDE like that? It seems to me that this BRIDE is made deep in the cross. *The Word is "His Voice," and, as we get nearer to JESUS, we understand the principles of His mission; that He came to take out for Himself a people that they might be called "His Bride." He came to find "a BRIDE." GOD's message to us to-night is that He is going to take out of His Body a Bride unto Himself, and so I believe that while we talk about salvation there are deeper truths that GOD wants to show us. * The plan of the CHURCH (The BRIDE) was that everything, even of the natural order, must be sanctified unto GOD, for the CHURCH (The BRIDE) had to be a HOLY GHOST CHURCH (The BRIDE). Beloved, God has never ordained anything less! *Thought for today: When we think that the CHURCH (The BRIDE) is poor and needy, we forget that the spirit of intercession can unlock every blessing in Heaven.*" Let us not forget that possessing the Baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT, means there must be an "ever-increasing" holiness. How the CHURCH (The BRIDE) needs divine unction-GOD's presence and power so manifested that the world will know it is GOD in us. "* Do not forget that GOD means for us to be very faithful to the CHURCH (The BRIDE) so that we do not allow anything to come into the CHURCH (The BRIDE) to break up the BRIDE. You cannot find anything in the BRIDE in its relation to CHRIST that has schism in it. CHRIST's life in the BRIDE--there is not schism in that. When CHRIST's life comes into the CHURCH (The BRIDE), there will be no discord; there will be a perfect blending of heart and hand, and it will be lovely. Endeavor "to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." *Bring unity in the bonds of perfection so that the CHURCH (The BRIDE) of GOD will receive edification. Then the CHURCH (The BRIDE) will begin to be built up in the faith, and the establishing of the truth, and believers will be one. There is one BRIDE. Recognize that fact. When schism comes into the BRIDE, believers must never act as though there is more than one BRIDE. * If you want a CHURCH (The BRIDE) full of life you must have one in which the Spirit of God is manifested. And in order to keep the fire ignited from that blessed incarnation of the Spirit, you must be as simple as babies; you must be as harmless as doves and as wise as serpents (Matthew 10:16).*The moment you are born of GOD, you are in the family, and you are in the BRIDE, as He is in the BRIDE, and you are in the BRIDE collectively and particularly. After you come into the BRIDE, then the BRIDE has to receive the sealing of the promise, or the fulfillment of the promise, that CHRIST will be in you, reigning in you mightily.