Root Nodules of Legumes
註釋Historical background. Global role of nodulatec legumes. The role of new techniquesw. Infection and nodule initiation. Nodules are sheltered places. Nitrogen fixation in intact nodulated plants. The magnitude of N2-fixation. Limiting factors. Physiology of nodulated N2-fixation plants. Anatomy and structure of nodules. Nodule types. Common features of nodule anatomy. Host cells of the central tissue. The nodule cortex. Infection of cells and development of bacteroids. Properties of N2-fixing nodules: studies with intact or sliced detached nodules. The products of N2-fixation. Hydrogen metabolism. Effects of O2. Effects of Water. Some gaseous inhibitors. Applications of solutions. Fixation of CO2. Bacteroids. Preperties and composition. N2-fixation by bacteroids. Nitrogenase: Extraction from bacteroids, purification and properties. Electrom transport to nitrogenase. DNA Sequence coding for nitrogenase. Regulation of nitrogenase in bacteroids and in cultures. Energy-yielding metabolism. Functions of host cells in nodules. Symbiotic functions. Processing photosynthat for the support of N2-fixation. Assimilating the products of N2-fixation. Leghaemoglobin. Purification and properties. Biosynthesis of leghaemoglobins. Location in nodules. Roles of leghaemoglobin.