Takers, Narcissists and Narcissistic Bullies: They're Everywhere

 In a guise of false kindness and slick appeal, they cover their self serving motives. Underneath the "I love you" and "I care" is their actual belief: I am superior and you are inferior. While these Takers, Narcissists, and Narcissistic Bullies are adults, emotionally they are emotionally regressed teen agers with an uncanny and innate ability to mesmerize others and take from them. Spiders, Sirens, and Vampires have been metaphors of other eras bygone to understand these types.  
Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D. is a clinical therapist and director of Boise Bipolar Center. Takers is his third book on the topic of Takers. Other books by Dr. Bunch include Soft Bipolar Suffering and Blue Light Management for Bipolar Disorder.