Twisted Luck Series 1-8

The entire Twisted Luck series in one place, with two novellas included.

My Luck - Cori Munroe is a young woman with a BFF, estranged parents, and the weirdest luck you've ever seen.

Hired Luck - Cori is in a new city, with a new job, and a new dead body. That she can deal with, but finding out she's a mage?

Educated Luck - School is mandatory for mages, but why is there a bounty on Cori's head?

No Luck - Charles has never been the popular one, but it doesn't mean he's unable to protect himself.

Inherited Luck - The first part of schooling is done and Cori inherits a house with a definite personality.

Drafted Luck - Government is rarely intelligent with where they put people, but did it have to involve dragons?

Faded Luck - The things you do for the people you love, but being pregnant might be more than she bargained for.

Unbalanced Luck - The herald of magic is supposed to fix everything, but all Cori knows it's getting worse and she still has no idea.

Balanced Luck - Cori can't save everyone, but she is willing to die trying.