Closure and Legacy Near End of Life
出版Acadia University, 2018
註釋In answer to a perceived need to mine like gold the wisdom of the elderly and those in palliative care for the good of society before it is too late to do so, this project was undertaken to develop a simple methodology for life story interviewing. A not-for-profit incorporated entity was created with intent to foster the 'near end-of-life' interview process as an option for everyone in society, regardless of background or culture. Four principal goals undergird the theoretical consideration, i.e. for provision of comfort, help with closure, provision of a legacy document for the family and, last but not least, for the sake of posterity. It is a moot point that, without the wisdom of the ages (or the 'aged' per se), generations to follow would be doomed to what some refer to as' insanity, 'i.e. 'to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.' Within this project, biblical validation was primary. The first step was stringent application of hermeneutic principle to exegete significant Scriptures that validate the project effort, e.g. the notion of honouring 'mother' and 'father' and the ramifications of this God driven requirement when interpreted within context. Following the validation and theoretical consideration, a simple training process for the individual life story interview was developed for application post thesis, principally as a course in clinical pastoral education but readily adaptable for training volunteers. Six interviews were completed, stories that tell of life. From immigrants who came to early twentieth century Canada in pursuit of a better life, to the tragedy of having to surrender control of life and family due to illness and palliative care, their stories tell of a moral courage, of faith and a willingness to engage and overcome against the odds.