A Proposed Strategic Plan for Ontario Fisheries
註釋By the early 1970s there was increasing concern over the deterioration of fish stocks in Ontario and elsewhere in Canada due to overfishing, land development, the introduction of exotic species and pollution. A federal-provincial task force was appointed in 1974 to recommend broad courses of action to deal with these and other issues. This group produced a document in 1976 which has guided the development of the fisheries since then. In 1987 it was decided to review this strategic plan and either reaffirm or adjust it to meet the need of the 1990s and beyond. This discussion paper is the result of that review and covers the need for sustainable development; the issues affecting fisheries management, including declining aquasystem health and loss of fish habitat, loss of fish, shareholder conflicts, underlying causes, and consequences; and the objectives and guiding principles of a strategic plan for Ontario fisheries.