How Do I Live When I Don't Fit In?: A Self-Reflective Journal

It’s the red & white checkered tablecloth we all grew up with. Remember those Fisher Price childhood toys we played with? It is now time to sweep through these memories and place a magnifying glass over our lives with this self-reflective journal that is centered on just YOU.

Who you are? Why you are here? What really is life?

Let go of what you have been told and listen to a new voice, yours. Relationships are a part of life, and cannot be avoided. So isn’t finding a process that works for you the real answer? This journal helps you to find your process, which in turn, will help you to understand the world around you from an empowering perspective.

Then you will know how to live when you don’t fit in.

From the Authors:

If you have any interest in things other than people’s stories, complaints & drama and feel that there is something else out there, you’re right, there is. And that’s where we are.

Social media, television, movies, other self-help books are unfulfilling. They just perpetuate an empty feeling. If you are interested in what everyone else is doing, keep supporting them. Yet, if you are interested in accessing something else within yourself and all around you, our books help to open the door to magic, science, creativity, & psychic ability.

We work with energy. What does that mean?

Everyone wants to talk to us or be in our conversations. So, we wrote about what we know and have experienced. If you want to be in our conversations, listen to our free podcasts. Otherwise, read our books, that’s where the energy is.

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“Let’s Talk About Energy, Ours & Yours”

“The Kybalion: A Conversation”

“Ancient Texts – The Genealogy of Energy”

“Oprah! Can You Hear Me? Oprah vs. Donald 2020”