The Reluctant Terrorist
註釋Round up all the Jews. Its happened in Germany, Spain, England, and France. It could happen in America. An atomic bomb destroys Tel Aviv, severing Israel. Two ships carrying Jewish refugees limp into Boston harbor. As the ships are to be returned to the new nation of Palestine, Boston Jews free the refugees, killing ten Coast Guardsmen. Arrests of these new "enemy combatants" are met with marches and bombings as American Jews struggle to balance their loyalty to America with the realization that "never again" has become "not now, not here." The confrontation between America and her Jewish citizens escalates, driven, as with so many violent clashes, by forces seemingly beyond all parties' control. The author, a civil rights lawyer, paints a chilling picture of a future America in which leading citizens become enemy combatants subjected to detention, torture and worse. Could this happen in America? German Jews thought it could never happen to them, until it was too late.