註釋Much of the collection is written from Hood River, Oregon, one of the places Hill resided after leaving New Hampshire. In addition to letters, the collection also contains many examples of Hill's poetry. Another significant portion of the collection documents a trip Hill took through Italy, France, and England in 1893. One of most interesting letters in the collection is written from the Waumbek House in 1885. In the letter to his son Hill talks about the famed avalanche at Cherry Mountain, which would have been visible from Jefferson, New Hampshire, where the Waumbek was located. Hill writes in part, I must tell you about the great slide on Cherry Mountain it began near the top of the Mt. as you will see by the sketch and ran down the whole length clear down to the foreground carrying great logs trees and Rocks and piling them up in some places twenty feet deep. Also included in the collection were water colors and pencil drawings. Contact the museum staff for information on these materials.