註釋For those conditioned to divide their fiction into categories, TTM2 has true crime, fantasy, dramedy, sci-fi, spec-lit, Brit-lit, chick-lit, not to mention lit-lit, as well as the exciting new genre of robot book review. But tqr is not about marketing ploys designed to sell you some contrived concept of hyphenated lit. Its only aim has ever been to publish anything that stirs the wild thing deep inside you. In tqr-speak, it's summed up in the question, "But does it touch the monkey?' Well...slap my ass and call me Sally!, not only does TTM2 touch it, it agitates the poor beast to the point of its confronting you with a smoldering gaze that seems to say, 'Oh how I wish I could bust out of this cage and rip your bloody lungs out!' The only thing you have to wonder is, 'How strong are those iron bars?'