Move Over Manic Depression
註釋By Anne Brocklesby

ISBN: 9781847471017
Published: 2007
Pages: 165
Key Themes: manic depression, bi-polar disorder, medication, empowerment


A sincere and moving autobiography about a mother of two whose life is turned upside down by post natal depression and bi-polar. Anne suffered severe side effects from taking prozac but fought back through CBT, studying, poetry and writing about her condition. Anne's personal transformation from sufferer to empowered and confident woman gives new hope to fellow sufferers. Anne's bravery is an example to us all, this book is an inspiration to sufferers, carers and professionals alike.

About the Author

Anne Brocklesby was born in 1951 in Epsom, Surrey. She was educated in Wimbledon and Scotland before studying social sciences at Edinburgh University. She has now returned to live in Wimbledon where she has worked for many years in the voluntary sector. She is involved in the Make Poverty History campaign and takes an active interest in mental health issues, trying to promote a more positive image and challenging discrimination and stigma.

Book Extract

"I think I developed a separation anxiety at a very early age, and had the enduring feeling that in fact I was an orphan. My mother told me that I was sent for 3 weeks to my aunt and uncle's house, with two of their children, to spend time being looked after by them when my mother was giving birth to my sister Kay, her second child. Of course I do not remember any of this, but I am conscious of a feeling of separation, which I can only trace to this time. My mother said that when I returned, I looked like a neglected orphan, because my hair seemed a tangled mass, as though it had not been brushed or combed.