Queen of Crowns

"You weren't the one who was destined to take over I was!" says a voice

"And who are you?" I ask to that voice

"Because of you, they left me for dead." the voice says to me

"And what does this have to do with me?" I ask this voice

"Everything. They took my wolf away." the voice says

"Wolf? That is not possible." I say back to her

"Yes it is. I no longer have her. " the voice says back to me

It sounds like a women's voice

"So why would someone take your wolf away?" I ask her

"To create the ultimate warrior." the voice says back to me weeping

"And who is this warrior?" I ask her

"You." she says back to me

"I am no ultimate warrior, I come in peace." I say back to her

"Then if you do give her back to me!" she demands from me

"Give who back?" I ask

"My wolf." she says to me

"We don't have any wolves that are prisoners right now, plus I am queen of the wolves." I say to her

"Yes you do have her I can feel it." she says back to me

"And who is this wolf you speak about?" I ask her

"Clary! Give me my wolf back!" she screams back to me crying